Florida Statutory Rape Laws

Unlike rape, which is always considered to be non consensual intercourse, statutory rape is a charge that can stem from non consensual or consensual intercourse with a minor. In other words, it doesn’t matter if the minor has given permission; it is against the law to have intercourse with someone under the age of 18. Exceptions to Age of Consent …

Charges of Gang Rape: Definitions and Consequences

If you feel that you have been falsely accused of rape, or falsely named as a perpetrator in a multiple-offender rape, contact a defense attorney at Miami’s Falk & Ross law firm immediately. Rape is a very serious charge, not only because of the hefty penalties associated with it, but also because of the lifelong stigma created by a guilty …

Florida Laws and Penalties Resulting from Rape Charges

Facing a rape charge? Miami criminal defense attorneys should be consulted immediately. This is a serious charge with severe penalties. Florida Law in a Rape Charge The prosecutor must establish that the accused engaged in vaginal, oral, or anal penetration using a sexual organ or other object with the victim, or that there was a union of the accused person’s …